The Best Types of Glass and Glazing for Shower Screens

shower screen installation

Shower screens are essential bathroom fixtures, capable of transforming an ordinary bathroom into a spa-like retreat. When selecting glass and glazing for shower screens, homeowners are faced with several options. They need to choose from different glass types, frameless or semi-frameless panels, and other features. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the best types of glass and glazing for shower screens, to help you make the right choice for your bathroom renovation.

Tempered Glass

One of the most popular types of glass for shower screens is tempered glass. It is made by heating regular glass to high temperatures and then quickly cooling it with cold air. This process makes tempered glass more durable and resistant to breakage than regular glass. Tempered glass is also known for its safety features, as it shatters into small cubes instead of sharp, jagged pieces in the event of breakage. When installed correctly, tempered glass shower screens look elegant and minimalist, adding a modern touch to any bathroom.

Frosted Glass

Another popular glass option for shower screens is frosted glass. Frosted glass is created by either sandblasting or acid etching the surface of clear glass. This process makes the glass partially opaque and diffuses light, creating a soft glow that adds warmth and depth to bathroom interiors. One of the advantages of frosted glass shower screens is that they provide privacy without completely blocking light. They also require less cleaning as compared to clear glass, since they don’t show fingerprints and water spots as easily.

Semi-Frameless Shower Screens

Semi-frameless shower screens are a popular choice for homeowners who want a little extra support for their shower screens. They come with a perimeter frame that supports the glass panels, but the door and other panels are frameless. Semi-frameless shower screens have a sleek and modern look that blends well with any bathroom interior design. They are also practical, as the frame provides additional support and stability for the glass panels.

Frameless Shower Screens

Frameless shower screens are the ultimate in modern bathroom design, with their sleek, minimalist look. They feature thick tempered glass panels that are held in place with sturdy metal clamps or brackets. One of the primary advantages of frameless shower screens is that they don’t have any frames, which means the glass is easy to clean and maintain. They also create an illusion of space and openness, making even small bathrooms feel larger.

Tinted Glass

Tinted glass shower screens are becoming increasingly popular, as they add a touch of sophistication to bathroom interiors. Tinted glass is created by adding a colored film to the glass surface during manufacturing. It creates an opaque finish that provides privacy, while still allowing natural light to enter the bathroom. Tinted glass shower screens come in a range of colors, including bronze, grey, and green, to complement any bathroom color scheme.


Choosing the right glass and glazing for your shower screen installation is an important decision that impacts both the safety and aesthetics of your bathroom. Tempered glass, frosted glass, semi-frameless shower screens, frameless shower screens, and tinted glass are some of the best options for any bathroom renovation. Whether you prefer a minimalist, modern look, or something a little more colorful and vibrant, these glass options are sure to provide the perfect finishing touches for your bathroom renovation. So, don’t wait any longer, select your preferred glass option now, and enjoy your transformed shower space!